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Support and integration of not yet supported assets 

Energy meters

Find our supported energy meters here.

If your desired energy meter has a slightly different model number than the ones listed, please contact support to check whether this energy meter is supported.

If your energy meter is not yet supported, we can integrate it with no extra cost, however, there will be some prerequisites: 

  • We will check if the energy meter will be compatible with Edge and meets requirements.
  • The energy meter should be common in the market. 
  • An integration energy meter should be sent to the Last Mile Solution headquarters for integration.

We expect to integrate the energy meter within 1-2 weeks, depending on the release date of the new firmware. We expect to return the energy meter within 4 weeks after delivery. 

AC charging stations

All AC charging stations that meet the minimum requirements should work without intergration. Edge will automatically adjust some settings on the chargepoint to optimize it for loadbalancing. When you encounter problems you can contact LMS support.

DC charging stations

Edge supports DC charging stations and will adjust its load balancing behavior to the higher charging speeds.  However, Edge needs to know that a station is a DC station.

When connecting a DC charging station that has not been integrated The DC station will appear as AC station in the live-view and will not have adjusted DC handling. 

Therefore, when connecting a DC station to Edge for the first time, please reach out to us for remote assistance. This will ensure better operation for the more costly DC chargers. These are the steps we will go through together: 

Without need for a firmware update, we will: 

  • Configure the station as DC stations 
  • Test if the station responds correctly to the loadbalancer, and if needed adjust for common DC characteristics like requiring a different kind of meter values and charging profile. 
  • Optionally discuss about priories and offline behavior

In the next firmware update the DC station specific model will be added so when another DC station of this type is installed there will be no need for remote integration. 

Solar inverters (from August 2024)

If your solar inverter is not yet supported by Edge, you can request integration. 

For solar inverters, we prefer remote integration, remote integration is done with the following steps: 

  • Send the desired inverter model with all available information to Last Mile Solutions, we will check whether the inverter is suited for integration and whether curtailment can be done.
  • If accepted, we will connect the Edge with the inverter at your site. Depending on the situation we will decide to work on location or to assist remotely. 

Depending on the case we will connect the inverter to a permanent installed Edge, or we will provide a temporary Edge controller. 

The integration will be done within 2-4 weeks after the Edge is connected on location.  

Updated on June 13, 2024

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