How To Create a Location

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Location must be attached to a charge point to be able to activate it. Here you can also choose if you want to allow your charge points to be shown in 3rd party apps.

What do you need to get started?

Create a New Location

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge points > Locations
  3. Click on +New
  4. Tick “Publish” – if you want the charge station to be visible in 3rd party apps and roaming network
  5. Fill in the address details in the form
    • If the plotted location is not the exact location of the charge station, move the red pointer to the exact location.
    • This will impact the GPS coordinates.
    • Check with Google Maps if the address corresponds with the new GPS coordinates
    • If Google provides a different address, update the address in EVC-net to prevent the Location being rejected by the roaming network.
  6. Name the location – make sure the name does not include private data
  7. Select an Energy Mix if charge station is public (roaming on)
    • Note: it is mandatory that charge stations / locations with roaming enabled have Energy Mix attached.
  8. Set the opening hours if relevant. Otherwise, keep it as “Always open”.
  9. Click Save
  10. You have now created a new location

Publishing a location does not automatically enable roaming on a charge point. You can enable roaming in the charge group.

Make sure the address of the charge station corresponds with the actual location of the charge station on the map.

If you adjust the pin on the map you need to also update the address above to correspond with the location.

LMS doesn’t have control over how eMSPs are pulling the locations, so we can’t promise your locations will be displayed in 3rd party apps straight away. Once the location is published, and you later decide to unpublish it, it still may be shown in 3rd party apps.

Updated on July 8, 2024

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