How To Create a Grid

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Grid is a functionality, that allows you to create a dashboard for a selection of charge points, which can be made visible to specific customers.

What do you need to get started?

Create a Grid

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge points > Grids
  3. Click on +New
  4. Select the User group
  5. Type in the Name of the Grid
  6. Click on Save


The attached customer will be able to monitor this grid after he/she logs in.

  1. Scroll down to “Customer” section
  2. Click Attach customer
  3. Click on Attach customer
  4. Search for the customer you want to add
  5. Click on the Customer ID to attach it

Charge Points

  1. Scroll down to “Charge points” section
  2. Click Attach charge point
  3. Search for the charge point you want to add
  4. Click on the Charge point ID to attach it
    • If you want to attach multiple charge points at the same time, right click on each charge point ID you want to add and click open in new tab
  5. Click Save once you filled in all information
Updated on April 11, 2024

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