Edge API

Official documentation in Swagger UI

Edge is interoperable with the local Edge REST API; with this API it is possible to make custom integrations with your own systems. In a nutshell, the Edge API allows for interaction with: 

  • Grid configuration
  • Set External limits
  • Charging stations status
  • Charge profiles on grids and stations
  • Session/transaction monitoring
  • Manage charge cards
  • Manage components like energymeters
  • Read Notifications
  • Retrieve real time and historical measurements 

Local access

It is important to know that this rest API runs on the Edge device itself. Interaction with the API is only possible when you have access to the same network where the Edge device is installed

User roles and access management

In order to obtain an API key you must first configure the API access. This can be done by going to “Settings → User roles”. Here you can set a name an a role in the API accsess table. A key will be automatically generated when a name or role is entered.

Updated on June 13, 2024

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