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  5. How To Set Up Opening Hours For Location

How To Set Up Opening Hours For Location

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Follow the instructions below to set up opening hours of your location (and attached charge point). If the location is published, the opening hours will be shown in apps. Enable Charging profiles on your charge point, to have the availability to set up opening hours.

What do you need to get started?

Step 1: Enable Charging Profiles On Your Charge Point

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge points > Search
  3. Search for charge point
  4. Open the charge point
  5. Scroll to “Charge point data” section
  6. Click on Go to parameters
  7. Go to section General – OCPP capabilities
  8. Tick all three options
  9. Click on Save

If your station does not support charging profiles, you can keep all three options ticked, it will cause no issues.

Step 2: Set Up Opening Hours in Location

  1. Click on Charge points > Locations
  2. Search for the location you want to create opening hours for
  3. Click on the ID of the location
  4. Scroll down to “Opening hours” section
  5. Untick Always Open checkbox
  6. Tick Charging outside opening hours in case you allow charging, for example, for cars parked in your parking lot after the closing time.
  7. Highlight the opening hours in the timetable
  8. Click on Save
Updated on April 11, 2024

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