How To Create an Energy Mix

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Energy Mix is a feature in EVC-net that makes the energy source and its environmental impact readily accessible to EV drivers who use publicly available charging points.  This provision of information accessibility is enforced by EU regulation (Directive 2014/94/EU), applicable to users throughout the European Union.  This regulation entered into force on 1 July 2021.

This regulation applies to charging points (and their operators) when:  

  • Charging points are publicly available 
  • The owner of private charging points voluntarily opens the service for public use, where the charging points are findable on the website & mobile apps 

The information will be available via the Easy Charging Quality app, API and via connections to our roaming partners. So, we’ll help every EV driver to make informed choices toward renewable energy!   

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • Location created in EVC-net
  • Energy product name: the name that your energy supplier gives to it’s energy product 
  • Energy supplier name: the company that provides the energy for the charge point 
  • The mix of energy sources, e.g. coal, gas, wind, solar, water, nuclear, general fossil, general green 
    • The portion in percentage (multiple source can apply but total must always be 100%) 
    • Total environmental impact (g/kWh) of used energy sources

Create a New Energy Mix

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge points > Energy mix
  3. Click on +New
  4. Select the Provider from the drop-down
  5. Fill in Energy product name  
  6. Fill in Energy supplier name
  7. Tick Default, if you wish this Energy Mix to be a default one to use on your locations
  8. Tick Available, if you want this Energy Mix to be available to attach to your location
  9. Click Save

Energy Sources

  1. Once your Energy Mix is saved, you will be redirected to the “Energy Mix Data” page
  2. Scroll to “Energy Sources” section
  3. Click New to add energy source
    • You need to add each energy source separately
    • The sum of all energy sources must be 100%
  4. Select the category of the energy source
  5. Type in the percentage of the energy
  6. Click Create

Environmental Impact

  1. Scroll to “Environmental impact” section
  2. Click New to add environmental impact
    • You need to add each environmental impact separately
  3. Select the category of the environmental impact
  4. Type in the Amount (g/kWh)
  5. Click Create
  6. Save the Energy Mix once finished
Updated on April 11, 2024

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