How to determine the configuration error in EVC-net

This page will help you (the provider) determine the configuration error in EVC-net in hindshight. Here is a more page more focused on the configurations themselves.

No invoice has been sent yet for transactions older than one month

This means that either the tariff applied was without any costs or both the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card and the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, were configured the same. 

If both the payer charge transactions and the receiver charge transactions were the same and no margin was implemented, no monetary value will be invoiced.

Navigate to the dashboard of the Company account and investigate whether the transactions that should have been invoiced by now (transactions are invoiced on the 15th of the next month, so if a transaction happened in January it will be invoiced on February 15th) show up in Most recent customer transactions(transactions done by the customers’ charge card[s]) and/or Most recent transactions on customer’s charge points

If the transactions do not show up in either category, it means the Employee account was attached as both the payer charge transactions to the charge card and also the receiver charge transactions. → Request to rectify the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card, to the Company account.

If the transactions do show up but the column for Costs is €0,00 for every transaction that should have been invoiced by now, it means the applied tariff was without costs. → Request to rectify the tariff at the charge point (or at the charge group if it applies to one excluded Employee)

If the transactions show up in both categories and the column for Costs have monetary values, it means the Company account attached as both the payer charge transactions and also the receiver charge transactions. → Request to rectify the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, to the Employee account.

An invoice was sent but the transactions were €0,00

This means that either the tariff applied was without costs or both the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card and the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, were configured the same. 

If both the payer charge transactions and the receiver charge transactions were the same and no margin was implemented, no monetary value will be invoiced.

Navigate to the dashboard of the Company account and investigate whether the transactions that have been invoiced with €0,00 show up in Most recent customer transactions (transactions done by the customers’ charge card[s]) and/or Most recent transactions on customer’s charge points

If the transactions do not show up in either category, it means the Employee account was attached as the payer charge transactions to the charge card and also attached as the receiver charge transactions to the charge point. → Request to rectify the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card, to the Company account

If the transactions do show up but the column for Costs is €0,00 for every transaction that have been invoiced with €0,00, it means the applied tariff was without costs. → Request to rectify the tariff at the charge point (or at the charge group if it applies to one excluded Employee)

If the transactions show up in both categories and the column for Costs have monetary values, it means the Company account was attached as the payer charge transactions to the charge card and also attached as the receiver charge transactions to the charge point. → Request to rectify the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, to the Employee account

An invoice was sent to the incorrect customer

Investigate the invoice. 

If it says Charging sessions consumed by you on third party charge points → Request to rectify the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card, to the correct customer

If it says Charging sessions delivered by you to third parties → Request to rectify the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, to the correct customer

An invoice was sent with the incorrect tariff (>€0,09/kWh)

Investigate the invoice.

If the transactions were done internally (CPO = MSP) → Request to rectify the tariff at the charge point (or at the charge group if it applies to one excluded customer)

If the transactions were done externally (CPO≠MSP) → No rectification can be requested as the tariff is determined by the CPO and cannot be changed in hindsight

An invoice was sent with the incorrect tariff (≤€0,09kWh) and no one received reimbursement

This means that both the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card and the receiver charge transactions attached to the charge point, were configured the same. If both the payer charge transactions and the receiver charge transactions were the same and a margin was implemented, the customer will ultimately pay the margin.

Navigate to the dashboard of the Company account and investigate whether the transactions that have been invoiced with <€0,09 show up in Most recent customer transactions (transactions done by the customers’ charge card[s]) and/or Most recent transactions on customer’s charge points.

If the transactions do not show up in either category, it means the Employee account was attached as the payer charge transactions to the charge card and also attached as the receiver charge transactions to the charge point. → Request to rectify the payer charge transactions attached to the charge card, to the Company account

If the transactions show up in both categories and the column for Costs have monetary values, it means the Company account was attached as the payer charge transactions to the charge card and also attached as the receiver charge transactions to the charge point. → Request to rectify the receiver charge transactions attached


Charge point 1000000001 has a charge group attached with tariff K30 customer’s station (demo tariff):

Tariff K30 customer’s station (demo tariff) is configured as below:

This means that the payer charge transactions attached to the card used for a transaction, will pay €0,30/kWh and the receiver charge transactions attached to charge point 1000000001, will receive €0,26/kWh.
If one customer is both the payer and the receiver they will ultimately pay the margin and the invoice will say Charging sessions consumed on own charge points with a tariff to pay of €0,04/kWh (+€0,26/kWh – €0,30/kWh = -€0,04/kWh).

Updated on August 5, 2024

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