Billing & Collection Explained

As part of our white-label platform, Last Mile Solutions provides a comprehensive Billing & Collection service. This end-to-end transaction management solution encompasses the entire billing and collection process for CPOs (Charge Point Operators) and MSPs (Mobility Service Providers).

What Does Last Mile Solutions Do from a Finance Perspective?

Last Mile Solutions plays a crucial role in the financial ecosystem of EV charging. Here are the key functions Last Mile Solutions performs from a financial perspective:

  1. Tracking Charging Sessions: EVC-net, meticulously tracks every charging session that takes place.
  2. Payment Collection: Every charging session needs to be paid for by the EV drivers. Last Mile Solutions ensures that payments are collected from these drivers in an efficient manner.
  3. Distributing Payments: The collected payments need to be distributed to various suppliers involved in the charging process. Last Mile Solutions ensures that every supplier receives their rightful share of the revenue.
  4. Comprehensive Financial Management: Last Mile Solutions handles all the financial and billing aspects within the “EV-driving-chain”:
    • Invoicing and Collecting Payments: Last Mile Solutions invoices the EV drivers and collects the payments.
    • Payout: Last Mile Solutions pays out the various entities that have facilitated the charging session, such as Charging Point Operators (CPO), Charging Station Owners (CSO), and Mobility Service Providers (MSP).
  5. Revenue Generation: Last Mile Solutions earns a small portion from each transaction, which includes both the invoicing/collection from the EV driver and the payouts to the suppliers.

Last Mile Solutions vs. Threeforce

Threeforce B.V., operating under the trade name Last Mile Solutions, is the organization that provides both technical and administrative services to parties offering charging cards and/or managing charge points. These parties are referred to as providers, and you, as an EV driver, have a contractual agreement with one of these providers.

Role of Last Mile Solutions:

  • Transaction Registration: Your charging transactions are recorded through Last Mile Solutions’ platform.
  • Administrative Processing: Last Mile Solutions handles the administrative processing of these transactions, which includes both invoicing and collection.

By leveraging Last Mile Solutions, providers can efficiently manage their financial operations, ensuring a seamless experience for EV drivers and all other stakeholders involved in the charging ecosystem.

Updated on July 10, 2024

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