Uptime Report CPO

Uptime measures the performance and reliability, expressed as the percentage of time, a charge point has been working and available. This report calculates two metrics concerning the performance of charging stations: Availability Rate and Transaction Success rate.

Availability Rate

Availability Rate describes the degree of normal, operational states of a charging station. This value is calculated based on the sum of logs when a charge point status shows a normal operation out of total logs within the selected period.

Availability rate (%) = {1 – (Sum (error states) / Total log count) } * 100

Error states are: Unavailable; No communication; Power off; Faulty 

Transaction Success Rate

Transaction Success Rate is the percentage of successful transactions out of the total number of transactions within the selected period.

Transaction success rate (%) = {1 – (Error transactions / total transactions)} * 100

Updated on July 2, 2024

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