Introduction to invoice correction process

On this page you can find information on how to request retroactive invoice rectifications. These rectifications include, for example, changes to invoice names, address details, VAT numbers, Customer IDs or Tariffs. Individual invoice rectifications will be processed at a rate of EUR 75.00 (+ VAT) per request. Multiple requests for the same end customer will be treated as a singular request.

The administrative fee will be applied starting with the invoices from September 2024, covering financial transactions from August 2024.

What is a rectification request?

At LMS we strive to support our customers as best as possible. With the rectification request process, we can help our customers solve configuration errors and personal data errors. Please be advised there is a clear distinction between these two processes: Configuration errors are mistakes in either Client ID (incorrect client attached to asset) or Tariffs. Personal data errors are typo’s or other name, address or VAT number mistakes in client data.

If either the Client ID on the invoice needs to be changed, or the Tariff, please request a rectification for Client ID & Tariff. If there has been a mistake in client data (so address/name/VAT number/reference) please request a rectification for VAT & Address details.

How to request a rectification

  • To make an invoice rectification request, please fill out the corresponding form below and send it to
  • You will receive confirmation when the request has been processed.
  • The administrative fees will be invoiced monthly through a separate invoice.

Note that rectifications for invoice names, address details and VAT numbers will only be processed outside the invoicing timeframe of the 11th and 20th of each month. Please also keep in mind to not change the customer data in EVC-net until the invoice adjustments have been confirmed as processed by Last Mile Solutions.

Note that rectifications for Customer IDs and Tariffs will also only be processed outside the invoicing timeframe of the 11th  and 20th of each month. However, to ensure your request is processed before the next invoice, please submit the correct file by the 1st of the month. Files received after the 1st are not guaranteed to be processed in time for the upcoming invoice.

Please note that marking your email as “urgent” will not expedite the processing.

Instructions and the request form for adjusting Client IDs and Tariffs can be found here.

Instructions and the request form for adjusting Client VAT number and/or Address Details can be found here.

What happens after a rectification request?

Please keep in mind only in case of a Rectification request for VAT & Address details, invoices will be settled internally. All other generated invoices are expected to be paid at all times. Invoices that were sent to an incorrect customer or with an incorrect tariff, can not be settled internally.This also applies to invoices generated due to an incorrect receiver charge transations that incorrectly received money and is now asked to pay it back.

In case of an incorrectly invoiced customer

Once the request has been processed, two new invoices will be generated. The original customer will receive an invoice containing the credit transactions that will (partially) repay* the original invoice. The new customer will receive an invoice containing the a new version of the original transactions. The new invoices will not be settled internally.

*In case of the incorrect payer charge transactions, the original payer charge transactions will receive back the incorrectly paid money. In case of the incorrect receiver charge transactions, the original receiever charge transactions will be asked to pay back the incorrectly received money.

In case of an incorrect tariff

Once the request has been processed, both the payer charge transactions and the receiver charge transactions, will receive an invoice that will charge* the difference and will pay out** the difference. The new invoices, will not be settled internally.

*In case the original tariff is higher than the new tariff, the original receiver charge transactions will be asked to pay back the difference. In case the original tariff is lower than the new tariff, the original payer charge transactions will be charged the difference.

**In case the original tariff is higher than the new tariff, the original payer charge transactions will receive back the difference. In case the original tariff is lower than the new tariff, the original receiver charge transactions will receive the difference.

In case of incorrect Client Data

Once the request has been processed, the client will receive a credit note cancelling out the original invoice, and a new debit invoice with the correct details.

The credit note will be settled internally.

Updated on August 1, 2024

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