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  5. How To Set Up Eichrecht in EVC-net

How To Set Up Eichrecht in EVC-net

As a CPO, you can use the EVC-net platform in your charging infrastructure to become Eichrecht compliant. 

In order for Eichrecht to work with EVC-net, the public key needs to be filled in the channel information of a charge point. 

Then, the Eicherecht compliant charge station digitally signs and encrypts the measurement data before sending it to EVC-net via OCPP. EVC-net stores this data and makes it visible in the transaction details for end-users. 

What do you need to get started?

Step 1: Find Public Keys

There are several places where you can find the public key of your charge station, online or offline:

  • Charge Station energy meter – public key should be visible on the energy meter of the station.
  • Charge Station documentation – provided by your manufacturer.
  • Manufacturer – if you are unable to find the public key on the station or documentation, reach out to the station manufacturer
  • EVC-net Parameters – you can see the public key in OCPP parameters of the station

Where To Find The Public Key In EVC-net

To find the public key, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the specific charge point in EVC-net
  2. Click on “Dashboard” tab and scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Click on Get parameters button
  4. Go back to “Data” tab and scroll down to charge point data section
  5. Click on Go to parameters
  6. Click on OCPP – Configuration
  7. Find the Public key
  8. Copy or note down the public key

Some charge stations have a separate public key per channel.

Step 2: Set Up Public Keys Per Channel

Setting up public key in EVC-net depends on the system user rights you have. If your rights do not allow you to update the fields below, please contact support@lastmilesolutions.com.

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge points > Search
  3. Open the charge point you want to update
  4. Scroll down to “Channels” section
  5. Click on the channel you want to update
  6. Click on Update to update public key
  7. Fill in Signature public key
  8. Click on Save

How Can Customer Verify the Transaction?

The customer can find the transaction details, including the public key and OCMF in EVC-net, to further verify their transaction via “Transparenzsoftware”.

Below instructions for customers on how to find the data:

  1. Log in to your provider’s EVC-net with your customer account details
  2. Click on Transactions
  3. Search for transaction you want to verify
  4. Click on the Transaction ID to open transaction details
  5. Scroll down and click on Transaktion prüfen
  6. You will find the Public key and OCMF here
  7. Open the “Transparenzsoftware” and verify your transaction

If you do not see “Transaktion prüfen” button on the bottom of the transaction details page, the charge point you have charged on did not support Eichrecht.

Updated on June 28, 2024

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