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  5. How To Request Tariff For Home Reimbursement

How To Request Tariff For Home Reimbursement

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To request a specific home tariff for the home charger to be selected in a private charge group, please fill out the latest PTM form (sent by your onboarding specialist) and send it to our Support Team at support@lastmilesolutions.com

All prices are excluding VAT.

What do you need to get started?

  • PTM Form
  • Reimbursement tariff agreed on with the employee

Step 1: Revise Contractual Details & Tariff List

  1. Open the LMS PTM Form
  2. Look at the tab “CPO Tariff List” to see which tariffs are available and if the requested tariff is already in the list
  3. Look at the tab “Contract” to revise the Hosting fees you have agreed on in the contract with LMS, before starting.
    • If you find incorrect rates, please reach out to your onboarding specialist or support.

Step 2: Choose a Tariff

  1. Click on PTM Form tab in the Excel file
  2. Go to “CPO Tariffs” section
  3. Define the Tariff if you are the charge station owner:
    • You can choose a tariff from our Tariff code list or
    • Create a custom tariff depending on the agreement your customer has with their employee.
  4. Fill in the Tariff name – create a name that is unique
  5. Choose a Charge Station Location as Private
  6. In Charge Station Owner fill in No as your customer or employee are charge station owners
  7. in Home Charging select Yes

For home chargers it is not mandatory to choose a tariff from our tariff code list as the employee should be reimbursed the exact amount paid.

Tariffs with a maximum of 4 digits after the comma can be requested but are only allowed to be used for 100% private home chargers. It is not allowed to use such tariff for private business chargers or chargers open for roaming.

Step 3: Assign Payment Distribution

  1. Fill in the following:
    • Customer pays – is what your business customer will pay (the employer).
    • Receiver Charge Transaction Receives – is the amount the employee will receive as their home reimbursement.
    • Provider (you) receives – not mandatory but suggested

Setting a provider margin is not mandatory, but we recommend to at least consider adding a margin to a home charging tariff, as you are providing a crucial service to your business customers (the employer).

In this case it is only important to make sure that the tariff reflects in the role “Receiver charge transaction receives” the amount that the employee should receive as reimbursement.

Step 3: Request Tariff With Support

  1. Save the Excel file
  2. Send an email to support@lasmilesolutions.com to request adding products to EVC-net
Updated on July 8, 2024

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