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  5. How To Request a New Charge Card Subscription

How To Request a New Charge Card Subscription

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To request a new Charge Card Subscription, please fill out the latest PTM form (sent by your onboarding specialist) and send it to support@lastmilesolutions.com.

Charge Card subscription fee is not a tariff; it is a fee for the charge card itself, not for charging.

What do you need to get started?

  • Access to a computer
  • PTM Form

Step 1: Revise Contractual Details

  1. Open the LMS PTM Form
  2. Look at the tab “Contract” to revise the Hosting fees you have agreed on in the contract with LMS, before starting.
    • If you find incorrect rates, please reach out to your onboarding specialist or support.

Step 2a: Create Charge Card Subscription With One-Off Fee

  1. Define the Subscription Fee:
    • Fill in the Name – create a name that is unique
    • Payment Frequency = One-off – customer will pay a one-time fee for receiving their charge card
    • Fill in One-off Fee paid by customer – how much do you want the customer to pay for the one-time fee

Depending on your contract, LMS might charge you a Card subscription fee.

Step 2b: Create Charge Card Subscription With Monthly Fee

  1. Define the Subscription Fee:
    • Fill in the Name – create a name that is unique
    • Payment Frequency = Monthly – customer will pay a monthly fee for receiving/using their charge card.
    • Fill in Monthly Fee paid by customer – how much do you want the customer to pay for the one-time fee

Depending on your contract, LMS might charge you a Card subscription fee.

Step 3: Request Tariff With Support

  1. Save the Excel file
  2. Send an email to support@lasmilesolutions.com to request adding products to EVC-net
Updated on April 11, 2024

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