How to Create a System User

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Super System Users can create other System User accounts. There is no limit on the number of system users you can create. There are two ways, you can create system users.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • Access to Computer
  • Details of the new system user

Create a New System User

You can create a new system user from scratch, by filling in manually all the data and settings.

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Settings > System users
  3. Click on  + New user
  4. Fill in the data in the form
  5. Leave Password empty
    • the System User will be able to set their own password, once they receive an email.
  6. Authentication mode > always select Two factor authentication by OTP
  7. Receive Issues* > pick which way the user wants to receive incidents notifications
  8. Receive newsletters > tick to receive release updates via email
  9. Send e-mail > tick, so the user receives email to set their password
  10. In “Access” section, determine the User Group the system user will have access to and their permissions within the group:
    • Select Standard user group* the new system user will have access to.
  11. Select Roles* you want to give to the system user
  12. Click Save

Create a System User based on an Existing User

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Settings > System users
  3. Click on Search to see all existing system users
  4. Open the system user account that you want to duplicate
  5. Click on + New user (based on copy of selection) at the bottom of the page
  6. Fill in the personal details of the new system user
  7. Tick send email to send an email for password reset to the new system user
  8. Click Save

Pay attention to the “Role” of the system user.

Check the settings in the account. When creating a new account based on copy of this account, all the settings will be duplicated.

Updated on April 17, 2024

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