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  5. How to Create a Private User Account

How to Create a Private User Account

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Learn how to create a new Private User account in EVC-net as a System User.

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Customers > New private user
  3. Fill in the customer details (mandatory fields *) in the form
  4. Tick the box to agree with our terms and conditions
  5. Fill in Email Address
  6. Leave Password fields empty
    • To send an email for password reset to the customer, tick send email tick box.
  7. Fill in bank account details 
    • Without, the customer cannot be reimbursed nor charged.
    • We strongly suggest to have customers agree to direct debit payment.
  8. Click Save. You have now created a Private User account.

In general, payment by direct debit should be accepted. Ask your customers for the permit when creating the account for them and if they agree, tick the checkbox. Alternatively, they can complete their profile later themselves.

Updated on April 3, 2023

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