How To Add a New Virtual Token

Virtual tokens, represented as app tokens, differ from physical RFID cards in that they do not possess an internal uID as they are entirely virtual in nature. Instead, each app token is assigned an automatically generated external card number.

When utilizing a virtual token for charging, transactions are settled through a customer cost invoice.

Direct payment methods, such as credit card, Bancontact, iDeal, etc. can be done without a virtual token attached.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • External ID of the charge card (if available)

Create a New Virtual Token

  1. Log in to your EVC-net 
  2. Click on Cards > New 
  3. Select the User Group you want to add the card under 
  4. Select Type of the charge card: Remote(app) 
  5. Select Card type: Client 
  6. Select Card Provider:  
    • LMS if charge card was ordered from LMS 
    • Other if charge card was ordered externally 
  7. Fill in External card ID 
    • create a unique ID or 
    • leave the field empty and EVC-net will generate one 
  8. Add Reference or Cost center number card if applicable 
  9. If you want to allow Roaming on this charge card, tick: “Yes, the owner of the card approves to the fact that his/her card can also be used at charge points of other providers. (not compulsory)” 
  10. Click on Save 

To prevent any misuse of the virtual token and avoid being held responsible for any associated costs, we strongly recommend validating the customer before attaching a virtual token to their account.

Updated on September 11, 2024

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