How to Activate a Charge Card

Learn how to activate charge cards as a system user or private user.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • Charge Card
  • Customer
  • Subscription (Optional)

Activate a Charge Card as System User

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Cards > Search
    • Search for the charge card you want to activate
  3. Click on Card ID to open the charge card details
  4. Preset Subscription if applicable.
    • Subscription start date is always 1st of the month.
  5. Attach Customer to the charge card
    • The customer will be automatically filled in for all 3 fields.
    • To adjust the fields, click Attach customer again.
  6. Click Save
    • As soon as the customer is attached, the card becomes automatically Active.
    • To deactivate the card, click Deactivate.

Activate a Charge Card as Private User

  1. Log in to your private account through your provider’s EVC-net landing page
  2. Click on Cards
    • In Cards section, you can see all cards already attached to your account (app / RFID).
  3. Scroll down to “Add card” section and fill in the Card ID*.
  4. Tick the box if you want to allow Roaming on the card
  5. Click Save
    • Now you will see the new card in the list.

You can find the external card ID printed on the charge card you have received from your provider by mail.

The employees will not be able to attach a card to their profile. It will be the responsibility of the company administrator to attach a card to the employees and activate or not the roaming service.

Updated on April 11, 2024

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