Fleet Roles Explained

Fleet Role functionality offers an advanced solution for managing EV assets and transactions, providing capabilities that go beyond what a regular end-customer account offers. This feature is particularly valuable for Charge Point Operators (CPOs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) looking to safely and efficiently delegate roles and rights to their end customers, especially those with complex, multi-level organizational structures. 


Benefits for CPOs and MSPs

Create Unlimited Amount of New User Groups (Organizations)
Create elaborate hierarchical structures
Create ‘Fleet Manager’ and ‘Facility Manager’ Roles for end customers 
Assign Roles to User Groups

Benefits for your Customers

Your customers, empowered by Fleet Roles, gain access to: 

Unified Access: A single login provides access to multiple user groups and their associated EV assets, simplifying user experience. 
Advanced Asset Management Rights: End customers can enjoy advanced management rights, offering granular control over EV assets. For detailed role information, please refer to [Role Details](link to the article). 
Aggregated Reporting: Access comprehensive reporting capabilities, focusing on charge points and cards, streamlining data insights. 

Please be aware that setting up Fleet Roles may involve asset migration efforts initially. The extent and complexity of this migration can vary depending on your specific use case. For a better understanding of the migration impact and to explore the adoption of Fleet Roles, we recommend consulting your dedicated account manager. They can provide guidance tailored to your unique requirements. 

Fleet Role Details

With the Fleet Roles feature, you will get access to Fleet Manager and Facility Manager roles, which you can freely assign to your customers. You can combine the two roles to give selected customers access to all management rights of Fleet & Facility.

These roles give your end customers advanced management rights, offering granular control over EV assets.

Fleet Reporting​

Fleet roles have access to aggregated reports within the designated ‘Organization’, which contains multiple company accounts.  ​

Fleet Manager Reporting

Charge Card Reports
Charge Session Reports
Employees Report
Charge Session Per Employee Report
Charge Session Per Charge Card Report

Facility Manager Reporting

Charge Station Report
Charge Session Per Charge Point Report

Use Cases

Case A: a logistics company


Situated & operating in one country​
Comprised a holding company & subsidiary branches​
Have charging stations at office sites​


The holding company wants to enjoy one-point management and an overview of entire EV assets & charging sessions across subsidiaries. 


  • Special ‘fleet account’ at the Holding level (with both Fleet+Facility manager role) has access to management reporting of entire subsidiaries​
  • Regular company accounts manage their assets at the subsidiary level​

Case B: an international consultancy


Comprised a holding company & subsidiary branches based in different countries.​
Each company deploys home-charge station at employee’s home​


  • An account manages all home charge stations & cards​
  • An account manages EV assets attached to Offices 


  • Fleet+facility manager role at holding level ​
  • Facility manager role at the country level to oversee company sites​
  • Fleet manager role at the country level to oversee employees and their assets​
  • Company accounts manage their assets at the subsidiary level

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated on April 16, 2024

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