Customer Self-bill

A self-bill is an invoice created by the recipient, in this case, Last Mile Solutions, rather than the charge station owner (CSO). Last Mile Solutions issues the invoice to themselves on behalf of the charge station owner, ensuring accurate and timely invoicing.

Keep in mind, the CSO is defined in the charge point, as the receiver charge transaction receives. The customer account attached in this field is the one receiving a customer self-bill. 

Learn how to set up a charge point or a tariff.

Key points to note:

  • A self-bill is not a credit note. A credit note is used to correct an invoice, whether sales or purchase.
  • CSO is defined in the charge point, as receiver charge transactions.
  • CPO/MSP can also be a CSO, but in this case they need to have a customer account and be attached to charge point as receiver charge transactions. As a CSO, they will receive a customer self-bill, with invoice number starting with “03”.
  • When Last Mile Solutions prepares a self-bill, it acts as a purchase invoice for Last Mile Solutions.
  • Conversely, when Last Mile Solutions prepares a self-bill, it acts as a sales invoice for the CSO.
  • Customer invoice number always starts with “03”

Invoice Flow

Invoice Example

Updated on July 23, 2024

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