Charge Groups Explained

In the EVC-net platform, charge groups play a pivotal role in managing access policies and pricing for connected charge points. They are essential for configuring tariff structures and controlling user access. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the functionalities available in the Charge Group section:

It is mandatory for every charge point to have a charge group attached to it. Otherwise, it can not be activated and used.

Charge Group Functionality Overview

Charge group data

In this section, users can access critical charge group information, including the charge group ID, name, and additional details that help identify and manage charge groups.


In the charge group type, you define if the charge group is meant for home chargers = home or public/private chargers (not home) = other.

Charge points

The Charge Points tab allows users to manage charge points by attaching or detaching them to/from the charge group. This attachment process can be completed in two ways: during the creation of a new charge group or via the charge point settings themselves.


Within a charge group, users can define tariffs for attached charge points. The tariff specifies the price customers must pay for a charging transaction. The tariff set in a charge group applies to all users who charge at the charge points within that charge group. However, exceptions can be made to accommodate different pricing structures.

Changing of tariffs is possible but can have impact on current customers that are attached to the charge group.

Access for own customers

You must define who has access and who does not have access to the charge points within the charge group.

Changing the access policies of a charge group might affect the customers that are attached to this charge group.

This section includes options to specify access policies:

Publicly accessible within own user group

Grants automatic access to newly registered customers related to the provider within the same user group.

Publicly accessible outside user group

Extends access to customers from other user groups (useful for providers with multiple user groups).

One user group is applicable in most cases, a reason for multiple user groups could be: separating two charge point manufacturers, helpdesk configurations or to create a sub provider role for large customers who want more self-service options.

Customers an Tariffs

This section presents a table displaying all customers with access to the charge group and its corresponding charge points. The table is used to make exceptions in the access policy.

For example, if the tariff is set as “Standard” in the Tariff sub-section of the Charge Group, exceptions can be made in this table to allow specific customers, such as charge point owners, to charge for free instead of the standard rate. Users can set any necessary exceptions in this table.

Access to roaming

Selecting the “Accessible for roaming” option enables charge cards with roaming capabilities to charge at the charge points within the charge group. It also allows customers from third-party e-Mobility Service Providers (e-MSPs) with roaming agreements with Last Mile Solutions to charge at the charge points within the group.

Enabling roaming does not automatically publish the charge points’ locations to third-party applications. This configuration can be adjusted separately via the charge point location settings page.

Social Charging

Social Charging is a feature that facilitates social interaction among EV drivers. Users can engage in activities such as freeing up occupied charge points or starting a queue for a particular charge point. Enabling Social Charging allows transactions on charge points within the charge group to be controlled by this feature, enhancing the social aspect of electric vehicle charging. Note that Social Charging is currently available only in The Netherlands.

Updated on April 11, 2024

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