
StudyMiles is the learning platform from Last Mile Solutions designed to help you understand and use our PAAS-platform better. Whether you’re an external provider or a Last Mile Solutions colleague, StudyMiles is here to support your learning journey.

Possibilities with StudyMiles

  1. Access for customers and colleagues of Last Mile Solutions: StudyMiles is available to both external partners and internal colleagues, ensuring everyone can benefit from the learning resources.
  2. Variety of Learning Materials: The platform offers diverse learning interventions, including interactive modules, video tutorials, and quizzes. This variety helps cater to different learning preferences and needs.
  3. Comprehensive Content: StudyMiles covers everything from the basics to advanced features of the Last Mile Solutions platform. You’ll find detailed information to help you get the most out of our tools.
  4. Self-Paced Learning: With StudyMiles, you can learn at your own pace. The content is accessible anytime, anywhere, making it easy to fit into your schedule.
  5. Regular Updates: The learning materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest features and improvements of the Last Mile Solutions platform. This ensures you always have the most current information.

Access to StudyMiles

Upon the launch of StudyMiles in Q2 of 2024, all system users within the system will be granted access to StudyMiles. However, this access is limited to 2 system users per contract. If more than 2 system users are associated with a particular contract, the providers themselves can choose the e-mail addresses they want to add by filling in the registration form.

Onboarding to the platform
An exception is made for new providers who will be onboarded to our platform, granting them access to the StudyMiles platform for a total of 10 weeks with a maximum of 6 email addresses. During the signing process, there will be discussions regarding who will retain the login credentials and who will not.

Once the email addresses have been established, they will be added to the StudyMiles environment. The provider will receive a registration link from the StudyMiles environment. The provider can then proceed to register themselves and gain unlimited access to the environment. 

If you already have access to the environment, click on the link below to directly go to the environment.