Dunning Process Explained

We differentiate between Companies and Private Users, as well as between Direct Debit and Invoice Payment.

Regular Process (Invoice Payment)

  1. Payment Reminder:
    • For non-payment, a payment reminder is sent on the first due date (day 15 after invoicing) for individuals and on day 21 for companies. Customers then have 7 days to make their payment.
  2. Notice of Default:
    • If payment is still not made, a notice of default is sent on the first day after the 7-day period (day 22 after invoicing). Companies are given another 5 days to pay, while individuals are given 14 days. (Individuals receive a WIK letter, which states the additional costs for late payment and the risk of card blocking, as legally required.)
  3. Telephone Contact:
    • Companies with an outstanding amount over €100 are contacted by phone if payment is not made after the notice of default. They are given another 5 days to complete the payment. The phone actions are outsourced to TKB.
  4. Final Notice:
    • If payment is not made after telephone contact, companies receive a final notice, warning them of possible extrajudicial costs and the risk of card blocking. Companies are given another 5 days to meet their payment obligation.
  5. Evaluation for Further Action:
    • For both companies and individuals, if payment is not made by the 37th day after invoicing, the case is evaluated. We then decide whether to block the card and/or hand over the customer for external debt collection.

Direct Debit Process

  1. Cancelation:
    • For customers whose direct debit fails and is reversed, a cancelation is sent the day after the reversal. Direct debits are usually processed on the 7th day after invoicing. However, reversals can occur up to 7 days after the direct debit, extending this process. The cancelation requests that the customer manually transfers the outstanding amount and contact us if they wish to continue using direct debit in the future. Both companies and individuals are given another 7 days to fulfill the payment.
  2. Return to Regular Process:
    • From this point, we follow the regular process starting from the notice of default (point 2).
Updated on July 10, 2024

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