Invoice Items

In this section, we describe the various types of invoice items that exist on the platform. These items can be categorized into charging sessions and products.

Charging Sessions Invoice Items for Customers

  • Charging sessions consumed by you (customer) on third-party charge stations: Transactions done by your customer on Charge Stations outside your provider, which can be on the Last Mile Solutions platform or another platform.
  • Charging sessions consumed by you (customer) on your own charge stations: Transactions done on the customer’s own Charge Stations. These transactions are often without costs, but costs can be applied. If your customer is both paying for the transactions and receiving the reimbursement, the amounts to be paid and received are settled with each other.
  • Charging sessions consumed by you (customer) on charge stations of your provider: Transactions done by your customer on Charge Stations within your provider.
  • Charging sessions delivered by you (customer) to third parties: When you are set up as ‘receiver charge transactions’ on the Charge Station, allowing third-party end-users to charge at your Charge Station. Receivables for these transactions are specified in this item.
  • Charge on home charging sessions: Found on an invoice for a company that has set up a Charge Point for home charging for an employee. Home charging sessions are outside the scope of VAT.
  • Margins over home charging sessions: When a Charge Point for an employee is set up for home charging with a tariff that includes a margin for the provider, the margin amount is taxable with VAT and specified separately on the invoice. The home charging tariff itself is outside the scope of VAT, while the margin is applicable to VAT.
  • Reimbursement home charging sessions: Found on an invoice for an employee with a Charge Point set up for home charging in the platform.

Charging Sessions Invoice Items for Providers

  • Transactions receive/pay – CPO
  • Transactions receive/pay – MSP
  • Deposits/withdrawals to wallet to be paid/received: Provider topping up the wallet.

Note: All the above descriptions are fixed, as they are set in the back end of the platform.

Product Invoice Items:


  • Hosting charging station AC 2 sockets
  • Hosting helpdesk station DC 1 socket
  • Hosting charging stations including helpdesk
  • Costs charge cards

These product descriptions can vary, as they are based on the Product, Tariffs, and Margins document provided by you. Hosting products are defined by your contract with Last Mile Solutions for hosting charge stations on the platform. Depending on your use cases, you can choose to resell the hosting product for charge stations to your customers and generate a profit.

You determine the descriptions for specific products. These descriptions will not be translated and will remain in the language you select, regardless of the language setting of the end-user’s account.


Type and format Invoice descriptions 
Provider –cost invoice – Hosting charging station AC 2 sockets 
– Hosting helpdesk station DC 1 sockets 
– Transactions receive/pay – MSP
– Wallet deposit
Provider– self-billing invoice Margins on products (hosting charge stations, helpdesk) and margins on charging sessions
– Transactions receive/pay – CPO 
– Transactions receive/pay – MSP 
Customer – cost invoice – Charging sessions consumed by you on 3rd party charge stations 
– Charging sessions consumed by you on your own charge stations 
– Charge on home charging sessions 
– Hosting costs for charging station and helpdesk (if applicable) 
Customer– self-billing invoice – Charging sessions delivered by you to third parties 
Customer –Reimbursement – Reimbursement home charging sessions 
Updated on July 10, 2024

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