Helpdesk explained

Only for CPO

In this document, we will go over the standardized, CPO orientated Customer Assistance offer as offered by Last Mile Solutions, also referred to as the LMS Branded Helpdesk. Last Mile Solutions CPO orientated support is currently comprised of three distinct levels of contact, two of which fall under the direct responsibility of Last Mile Solution. These levels are divided into a level 1, level 2, and level 3 Support: 

LMS offers CPOs a 1st Level Helpdesk which is available 24/7 and assists EV- drivers who experience issues whilst interacting with charging stations within your network. This is an optional feature; any provider within Last Mile Solution’s network has the right to either handle its first level support inhouse, or to find its own partner to outsource this service to. First level Support’s main goals are the and resolving of low-level errors. When it comes to more structural or high-level support, our first level support service will attempt to deliver either you, or LMS a report that includes as many details as possible by conducting preliminary research on the station in question. The scope under which we guarantee our First Level Support to resolve reported issues can be found in the appendix.


Last Mile Solutions currently offers separate helpdesk numbers you can connect to in the following languages: 

  • Dutch 
  • English 
  • French  
  • German 
  • Polish 

Our English helpdesk options are bilingual by default, with English being ensured as a secondary language in all base options. As such, it will never become mandatory to prepare a redirection menu to ensure international support. To combine other language combinations within our offer, you will have to establish a redirection menu of your own.  

Important: the implementation of the first level support must be set up by your organisation!  
It is mandatory to redirect your company’s hosted phone number to the numbers of our helpdesk partner. It is prohibited to place the exact same number anywhere visible to end customers or externals for two reasons: 

  • Operational optimization: It is possible that the phone numbers change over time, e.g. due to the change of our service partners. A redirection number eliminates possible transitional challenges. 
  • Security reasons: we want to ensure that no unsolicited calls are forwarded to our partners, nor that their identity becomes easily retrievable to the larger public. 

When requested, we will provide you with the contact details of our Standardized helpdesk during the Onboarding phase, which will be directly available. As such, LMS guarantees First Level Support from the first moment your network goes liv

Whereas First Level Support covers immediate, low level response to charge session-blocking issues, Second Level Support includes technical support. As such, responsibility to fulfil this role falls upon the network host of the charge station, otherwise referred to by LMS as the CPO. If the 1st Level Helpdesk cannot solve a problem which an EV-driver is experiencing at one of your stations, the problem will be escalated to the 2nd Level Helpdesk: 

  • The 2nd Level Helpdesk is alerted via the ticket system on the EVC-net. These tickets are generated by two primary sources 
  • The charge station automatic alert system 
  • Our First Level Support employees (categorized under other
  • Alternatively, the EV-driver or the station’s owner might attempt to contact the CPO directly, should they have the means to do so. 

In the case of the most urgent of emergencies, the 2nd Level Helpdesk might be contacted by phone directly. This is why, during the Onboarding phase, you will be asked to provide your 2nd Level Helpdesk number, which will be stored on the EVC-net for First and Third Level Support employees to find.  

Please note: this should be a different phone number than the number redirection number. The redirection number solely direct customers to First Level Support, whereas the Second Level Support phone number is used to escalate back to your technical department or the partner to which this service is outsourced.   

We highly advise to incorporate the functionalities and tools at hand on the EVC-net into your technical department/service provider during the establishment of your 2nd Level Helpdesk, namely: 

  • Our alert system 
  • Our messaging board 
  • Our ticketing System 

Additionally, we suggest your agents/technicians/case handlers receive their own system user accounts in order to keep track, manage and work through the catalogue of existing tickets directed towards your organisation. 

In the unfortunate event that a problem cannot be resolved by the 1st Level Support, nor your organisation’s 2nd Level Helpdesk, the 3rd Level Helpdesk can be addressed. This can be done in the case of more structural challenges, or in the case of issues which fall under LMS’s direct jurisdiction. Think, for example, of:  

  • Connection issues 
  • Problems in the roaming network 
  • Bugs, coding issues, and other platform malfunctions  

Our Third Level Helpdesk cannot be of service in the following situations: 

  • Hardware issues 
  • Miscomprehension of the platform 
  • Administrative/invoice related problems 

The Third Level Support is not contacted via the platform; instead, employees of your organisation can reach out by e-mailing, or by calling +31 10 312 6000.  

Note: Please be sure to read through our directives regarding incident reporting, which can be found on this Knowledge Base. Not only does this database host an extensive catalogue of short and comprehensible articles, which can solve your issues directly in most cases, but it also includes instructions as to how to describe any incident you may experiencing. On top of this, our Contact-Page explains in detail our absolute minimum in terms of mandatory information you need to send us in case of an escalation. Without this information, we will not be able to provide any additional service to you. 

LMS’s 3rd Level Helpdesk provides 24/7 support to your company exclusively, meaning that we will not cooperate with your customers, station manufacturers, or any other external organisation.


Within the EVC-net, the primary means of incident tracking revolves around the Ticketing-system. You can find tickets under the Tickets menu in the left pane of the platform, or as a subsection of end customer/charge station accounts. Only Providers and Helpdesk employees of any level can track these tickets; your customers do not share this right. Our Ticketing provides an optimal tool to track both automated as well as manually generated tickets.  

Our ticketing system allows for simple customer queries, as well as detailed technical questions to be documented and picked up by support agents and engineers. Individual tickets can be edited until they are closed, including timestamps upon edits. The platform also offers a “Tickets grouped by charge point”-report, which provides a quantitative overview of the incidents your charge points may experiencing. 

Most of our tickets will come from our 1st Level Helpdesk agents, who are using the “control room”-role. With these rights the agents will be able to:  

  • Check charge stations within your network. First Level Helpdesk employees will, however, never be able to modify your charge stations. They can at best interact with the platform to perform operational support via, for example, a station reboot. 
  • Create new tickets. All incoming calls will be logged as tickets in EVC-net and linked to their respective stations. Issues that have been solved by the 1st Level Helpdesk agent can be Save and mark as handled without the need of interaction. 

We advise your agents of the 2nd Level Helpdesk to handle tickets using their own accounts. This ensures automatic tracking in terms of action holders. When creating system user accounts, you can choose to set up notifications by email, SMS or both. As such, these system users will receive notifications of tickets incoming within your user group. 

Automatically generated tickets 

Some stations allow for the automated generation of notifications in case of issues, or even emergencies. These are then automatically turned into tickets linked to the charge station, and mainly concern relatively mainstream issues with the charge station. This includes, for example, technical service issues, and might still require maintenance support.  

Contact form 

These tickets are created by your end customers via the Contact form. Companies and private users can create a ticket by pressing the button in the upper right corner of EVC-net. 

Employees cannot create tickets, and will instead receive the following message:  
For inquiries, complaints, reporting defective charge points, changing your personal data or other questions, please contact the administrator of your company’s account. 

Once the ticket has been saved, and depending on the setting of the issue notification, you and your 2nd Level Helpdesk agent will be notified by e-mail and/or text message.

Other-tickets are manually created tickets. The main source of these category of tickets will be the 1st Level Helpdesk agents. Tickets in this category will look something like this: 

Within the “Tickets”-overview, you can export tickets, categorized either by date or by status. This can be used for KPI monitoring of your organization besides the obvious operational benefits the system offers. 

Updated on May 27, 2024

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