Super system administration

As a Super System Administrator within EVC-net, you wield unparalleled authority and responsibility over critical aspects of the platform’s infrastructure. Your role encompasses comprehensive access and management capabilities, ensuring the seamless operation and optimization of EVC-net’s functionalities. Below, we outline the extensive scope of your role, including access and management privileges for various components:

Charge cards
Charge cards – Activation
Charge cards – User group – Move an existing charge card to another user group
Customers – Menu 
Customer – Login as provider, employee, company or end user
Customer – User group – Move an existing customer to another user group
Charge groups
Charge points
Charge points – Activation
Charge points – Dashboard – Remote controls Intermediate
Charge points – Communication settings
Charge points – Parameter settings
Payments – Invoices
Payment – Products
Settings – System users
Access to Dashoboard
Updated on April 22, 2024

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