Products Explained

The Products page in the Payments section provides an overview of available products, including charge point and charge card subscriptions, along with details about each product.


By using the dropdown menu, you can view and select from the available subscriptions. This includes charge point and charge card subscriptions.

Currently, providers have the option to request a specific product by completing the PTM form.


Upon selecting a subscription, the specifics are displayed in this section. The “Description on invoice” in the second row shows the full name that will appear on the invoice. The “Payment mode” offers two options:

  • Customer pays: This means that the charge point subscription will be invoiced to the customer listed as the ‘Payer subscription’ for the charge point, as described in the Charge Points section.
  • Provider pays: In this case, the charge point subscription will be invoiced to the provider through their invoice.


This section displays the price that the customer account, linked as the ‘Payer subscription’ in the charge point, must pay if no provider margin is defined. These prices are stipulated in your contract with LMS.


If your contract with LMS specifies discount percentages, they will be reflected here. Once the minimum volume is achieved, the applicable discount percentage will be applied and reflected in the invoice.

Set profit margin provider

Here, you can establish a new price, including a margin for the provider, which will be paid by the ‘Payer subscription’ as mentioned earlier. For instance:

  • Total price in the ‘Items’: €2
  • New price including provider margin: €3

Out of this amount, €2 will go to LMS, and the remaining €1 constitutes the profit margin for the provider. If a volume discount is in place, the profit margin will be calculated using the volume discount price.

Updated on April 11, 2024

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