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  4. How To Link a Batch of Payment Terminals To Charge Points?  

How To Link a Batch of Payment Terminals To Charge Points?  

In this article you will learn how to link a batch of payment terminals to existing Charge Points, instead of doing it per Charge Point.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • A list of charge points already setup and fully configured at EVC-net
  • Payter Apollo payment terminals already activated at Payter and installed at the charge points
  • Internet connection at the Payment Terminal 

Step 1: Prepare the import file

  1. Download the EVC-net payment terminal bulk import file in the “Import files” section
  2. Each payment terminal to be linked to a charge point needs to be listed in a row at this spreadsheet 
  3. For each row, enter in the first column the “Serial Number” of the Payter Payment terminal and in the second column the “Charge Point ID”, as displayed in EVC-net. 
  4. The contents of the file should look like this:
APO20224800006  999999
  1. Save the file as xls, xlsx or csv format. 
  2. Send the file to support@lastmilesolutions.com 
  3. After the terminals have been imported, Last Mile Solutions will send you a confirmation, or report any issue with the import file. 

Important: please ensure that the payment terminals are correctly assigned to the charge points in the file and at EVC-net after importing. Failing to do so could result in failures in starting charging sessions up to financial losses to the driver. 

Important: It is highly recommended that at the end of the process a test with a live card payment transaction is done to ensure proper binding between payment terminal and charging point.   

Note: The import operation will fail if a payment terminal has already been previously assigned to a charge point whose record would be updated by a record in the import file.   

Updated on April 10, 2024

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