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  4. How To Order Payment Terminals From Payter?

How To Order Payment Terminals From Payter?

You can order Payter payment terminals directly at Payter. Alternatively, some Charge Point Manufacturers (CPM) might already sell the Charge Points hardware with a Payment Terminal embedded.  

The Payter payment terminals need internet connectivity in order to operate. We recommend procuring the Payment Terminals from Payter already containing a SIM cards also provided by Payter.

The Payment Terminal model to be acquired from Payter is:

  • Payter Apollo including 4G modem – APO01.BL.PAY.4E

Payter payment terminals need to be activated and linked to a Charge Point at EVC-net after that. See the article “How to activate and connect a Payter payment terminal to a Charge Points” for more information.

When ordering your charge points from Payter, make sure you mention that you will be integrating via Last Mile Solutions, which means that you will not need to onboard via Payter. Onboarding of your payment terminals is done via Last Mile Solutions.

IMPORTANT: If you are acquiring a new Charge Point with the Payter payment terminal already integrated, please request your Charge Point Manufacturer to procure the payment terminals from Payter with a SIM card from Payter already installed.

Updated on April 10, 2024

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