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  5. How to enable a smart charging opt-out for EV drivers via our apps

How to enable a smart charging opt-out for EV drivers via our apps

LMS offers an OCPI connection with you or your Smart Charging Service Provider (SCSP) for sending charging profiles to and receive meter data values from individual chargers. This enables you or your SCSP to control charging speeds according to your smart charging strategy. (Please reach out to your LMS Sales or CSM contact if you want to setup this connection)

When such a connection is live, it is possible for the EV driver to communicate her smart charging preferences in our direct payment and white label apps. This preference will be incorporated in the OCPI communication to you or your SCSP to take this into account when sending charging profiles.

Whether or not this opt out option is visible in our apps on a given charge point can be managed on charge group level. To do so, follow the instructions below.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • An active OCPI data supplier connection for smart charging purposes
  • Charge Points which are OCPP 1.6 compliant and are validated to handle charging profiles according to our Certified Charge Point overview
  • A Charge Group in which these charge points are grouped

Step 1: Make sure your OCPI connection incorporates the ProfileType extension

The EV driver’s preference is communicated in our OCPI 2.1.1. communication as the OCPI 2.2. compliant ProfileType. Since this is no standard OCPI 2.1.1. parameter, it needs to be set up by an LMS admin as an extension on your connection one-time only.

  1. Contact Support to enable the ProfileType extension on your OCPI connection
  2. Validate if the OCPI communication to you or your SCSP incorporates a ProfileType parameter in the Sessions Module

Step 2: Enable Opt-Out on the relevant charge group

  1. Log in to EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge Groups > Search
  3. Search for the corresponding Charge Group
  4. Open the Charge Group
  5. Scroll to the “Smart charging” section
  6. Enable Smart Charging opt-out allowed
  7. Click on Save

When an EV driver now arrives at a charge station in this charge group and starts charging using the direct payment webapp, ECQ app or next generation white label app, she will see a button ‘Smart charging’ on the ‘Start Charging’ screen, which by default is enabled.

Step 3: Process the Smart Charging Opt-Out status accordingly

You or your SCSP will now receive:

  • ProfileType = REGULAR if the EV driver didn’t opt-out of Smart Charging
  • ProfileType = FAST if the EV driver opted out of Smart Charging by disabling it in our apps before charging

Make sure you or your SCSP don’t send smart charging profiles to the corresponding charge station during the session where ProfileType = FAST

Updated on April 11, 2024

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