How To Set Up & Top Up A Wallet

The EVC-NET platform offers the possibility to add a wallet (charging credit) to a card. If you activate this option, the customer account can only charge with a charging credit, and this will have to be topped up when the amount has been consumed.

As soon as the wallet functionality is enabled, roaming must be disabled for this charge card. Prepaid transactions are not possible in combination with roaming because no real-time monitoring is available for transactions on third party networks and therefore cannot be stopped when the wallet runs out of credit.

What do you need to get started?

  • System User account in EVC-net
  • Access to Computer
  • Charge Card

Activate Wallet On Charge Card

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Cards > Search
    • Search for the charge card you want to activate
  3. Click on Card ID to open the charge card details
  4. Scroll to “Wallet” section
  5. Click on Create wallet
  6. Fill in Amount incl. VAT as the starting credit
  7. Click on Save

Top Up Wallet

The wallet can be topped up by Providers via EVC-net, or Private users via Laadpaal app (soon to be discontinued). Topping up wallet via the ECQ app is not possible.

  1. Click on Cards > Search
    • Search for the charge card you want to top up
  2. Click on Card ID to open the charge card details
  3. Scroll to “Wallet” section
  4. Click on the amount in Wallet incl. VAT to open the wallet details
  5. Click +Deposit to deposit money into the wallet
  6. Fill in the amount
  7. Click on Save

If provider deposits money in the wallet, the provider will be invoiced for this amount. You will have to invoice the private user for this amount yourself.

Updated on April 11, 2024

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