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  5. How to Create a New Private Charge Group

How to Create a New Private Charge Group

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Charge groups are used to set up the tariff structure and define and manage who is allowed to charge on selected Charging Stations (“access policy”).

What do you need to get started?

Step 1: Create a New Private Charge Group

  1. Log in to your EVC-net
  2. Click on Charge groups > New
  3. Fill in the Name
    • Additional information can be used to keep track of  contractual information, charge group purpose, etc.
  4. Select the Type from the drop down:
    • Home – if the charge points are home chargers/private chargers and the location should not be visible on ECQ app
    • Other – if the location is private, but can be visible on ECQ app for attached customers who have access to the charge points from this charge group
  5. Select the desired tariff from the dropdown list

We suggest to use the same tariff for all type of users. If you want to charge prepaid users (=direct payment) more, select desired tariff.

  1. “Access policies” section is used to determine, who has access to / is allowed to charge at charging stations within this charge group
    • If you want to give only selected customer access, keep it unticked.
    • If ticked, you enable all your customers to charge at all CS in this charge group.
  2. Leave Accessible for roaming unticked, so only customers specified by you will have access to this charge group.

If ticked, you will give all your customers and all roaming customers access to the chargers of this charge group.

If the Charge Group type is set to ‘Other’ all stations within the charge group will be visible in the application for all customers attached to the charge group. This is not to be confused with roaming publication that is handled on the location level.
If the type is ‘Home’, and Charge Station is a Home Charger, it will not be shared within the application

Step 2: Attach Charge Points to Charge Group

  1. Scroll down to “Charge Points” section
  2. Click on Attach charge point
  3. Search for charge points you want to add
  4. Click on Charge Point ID to attach it to Charge Group

If you want to attach more than one charge point, right click and open in new tab all charge points you want to attach.

Step 3: Give Access to Selected Customers

  1. Click on Attach Customer, in “Customers and Tariffs” section
  2. Search for the specific customer(s) you want to give access to
  3. Click on Customer ID to attach the specific customers

If no customer is added, nobody can charge at the added charge points!

Step 4: Give Specific Tariff to Selected Customers

  1. Go to “Customers and Tariffs” section
  2. Tick the checkbox next to the customer name in the list
  3. Click Change tariff of selected customers
  4. Select the Tariff
Updated on July 16, 2024

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